Harlequin Romantic Suspense July 2021 Box Set Read online

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense July 2021 Box Set

  Colton 911: Guardian in the Storm

  Colton’s Covert Witness

  Close Quarters with the Bodyguard

  Falling for His Suspect

  Carla Cassidy

  Addison Fox

  Lisa Childs

  Tara Taylor Quinn

  Table of Contents

  Colton 911: Guardian in the Storm

  By Carla Cassidy

  Colton’s Covert Witness

  By Addison Fox

  Close Quarters with the Bodyguard

  By Lisa Childs

  Falling for His Suspect

  By Tara Taylor Quinn

  “Brad...” She raised her face and gazed up at him. She wasn’t even sure what she intended to say. But his face was intimately close to hers and his eyes held a flame that half stole her breath away.

  “Simone,” he whispered softly.

  She knew if she leaned into him, he would kiss her...and she would kiss him back. And then she would want more...and more from him. Instead of leaning into him, she jumped up from the sofa. “I...I think it’s time for me to head to bed. I’m completely exhausted.”

  He cleared his throat and stood as well. “The storm seems to have passed, so you should sleep well.”

  “Then I’ll just say thank-you and good night.” She went into the bedroom, sank down on the edge of the bed and drew a couple of deep breaths. The storm outside might be over, but a storm inside her continued to rage on.

  * * *

  Colton 911: Chicago—Love and danger come alive in the Windy City...

  * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  I have a special place in my heart for the Colton books, having written one of the very first books that introduced the Colton family to readers. Just when I think there are no more Coltons left in the world, another branch pops up that is just as exciting, just as dramatic as the last.

  I love this family, who have strong moral values and a real love for each other. They may have their issues with each other, but their love is always present. They argue, they fuss and they also laugh a lot together.

  Heck, on most days I wish I was a member of this amazing family. I want to be a Colton!

  Hope you all enjoy my story!

  Carla Cassidy

  COLTON 911:



  Carla Cassidy

  Carla Cassidy is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling author who has written over 170 books, including 150 for Harlequin. She has won the Centennial Award from Romance Writers of America. Most recently she won the 2019 Write Touch Readers Award for her Harlequin Intrigue title Desperate Strangers. Carla believes the only thing better than curling up with a good book is sitting down at the computer with a good story to write.

  Books by Carla Cassidy

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Colton 911: Chicago

  Colton 911: Guardian in the Storm

  The Cowboys of Holiday Ranch

  A Real Cowboy

  Cowboy of Interest

  Cowboy Under Fire

  Cowboy at Arms

  Operation Cowboy Daddy

  Killer Cowboy

  Sheltered by the Cowboy

  Guardian Cowboy

  Cowboy Defender

  Cowboy’s Vow to Protect

  The Cowboy’s Targeted Bride

  Colton 911

  Colton 911: Target in Jeopardy

  Visit the Author Profile page at

  Harlequin.com for more titles.

  For my father, who taught me everything I needed to know about laughter and love. I will love you forever, Daddy!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Simone Colton walked out of the large brick building that housed the psychology department on the University of Chicago campus. As she stepped into the sunshine, she drew a deep breath of the fresh early June air.

  She should be feeling a big sense of relief. Today had been the last of the psychology classes she taught during the day. She had only a couple of night lectures left and then she’d be completely finished with the semester.

  She had decided not to teach summer school and so she had two months of free time. Under normal circumstances she would have been looking forward to lunches with good friends, long naps and reading for pleasure and not research.

  However, these were not normal circumstances. Nothing had been anywhere near normal since her father and her uncle had been brutally murdered, gunned down in the parking lot outside Colton Connections, their very successful family business.

  The murder had occurred six months ago, and since that time, not only had Simone dealt with a mountain of grief, but also with the burning need to create a profile for the killer.

  Right now, she was on her way home to change clothes and then she was meeting her sister Tatum at her restaurant. She needed to hash over the family meeting they’d had the night before with FBI agents Brad Howard and Russ Dodd, a meeting that had only renewed her burning need to catch a killer.

  It was a short walk from the college campus to her condo in Hyde Park. She’d loved the condo the first time she’d looked at it and had considered it a lucky score in an area that was highly desirable.

  However, since the murder, there had been no solace within the walls she called home. All she thought about was that her father would never be able to walk through the door again. He would never stop by to share a cup of coffee again. He would never, ever again be able to give her the big bear hugs that she’d loved, that she’d always counted on from him.

  She now walked through the front door and tossed her briefcase on the overstuffed beige sofa that was bedecked with throw pillows in the color of soft pink magnolia. The same colored blinds hung at her floor-to-ceiling windows. The colors had once created a warm and soothing ambience, but nothing soothed her since her father’s death.

  The kitchen was updated with granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances, although she wasn’t much into cooking.

  The condo had two bedrooms and she now walked into the smaller of the two. This was her home office, where she graded students’ papers and made up her lesson plans. Right now, the whiteboard that hung on the wall held notes that had nothing to do with her classes.

  All the notes were on deviant personalities and behaviors, five months of her work in an effort to come up with a profile of her father and uncle’s killer.

  Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t have been more wrong about things. It was time...past time for her to clear the whiteboard. She grabbed her eraser and slowly erased the notes she’d worked on so feverishly since the night of the murder up until a couple of weeks ago.

  When she was finished, her heart clenched as she stared at the board of nothing that was left. It had been that easy for two thrill-seeking kids to erase her father from her life forever. Her grief was still like a clawing, vicious animal inside her that refused to relinquish its hold on her.

  She whirled out of th
e office and went into her bedroom before the tears that were always close to the surface broke loose. It took her only minutes to change from the casual clothes she’d worn for class that day into black slacks and a dressier blouse. She always dressed up when she went to her sister’s restaurant.

  Minutes later she was on the train and headed downtown. As the train moved down the tracks, she leaned her head back and released a weary sigh. Since the murder, she’d been suffering from nightmares, haunting and horrible dreams where her father begged her to find the killers and seek justice for him and his brother. The nightmares didn’t occur every night, but they did happen often enough that she sometimes felt like she was moving through life in a bit of a fog.

  Seventeen minutes later the train halted at the stop closest to her sister’s acclaimed restaurant. The restaurant, True, had opened two years ago to critical acclaim and commercial success.

  Tatum had her dream come true with the restaurant and now she had the love of her life in the handsome Cruz Medina. Cruz was a Chicago cop who had gone undercover in the restaurant to investigate a potential drug ring working out of True. By the time the case wrapped up, the two had fallen in love.

  Simone now walked through the front door of True. Wonderful scents immediately assailed her nose. Even though it was late for lunch and early for dinner, the place was still packed with diners.

  Before the hostess could greet Simone, Tatum approached with a smile on her face. Simone could always tell what her sister was doing in the restaurant that day by her hairstyle. If her blond hair was down and wavy, then Tatum was working front of the house. If it was a day when she was cooking, her hair was pulled back and up. Today it was down and she was clad in navy blue slacks and a blue floral blouse that emphasized her bright blue eyes.

  “Come on, sis, I’ve got a two-top table in the back just waiting for us.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Simone replied. She followed her sister through the stylish main dining room, where there was a large marble bar with tons of seating. Located in a warehouse, the restaurant boasted high ceilings painted green and huge windows that provided lots of natural light.

  The space was decorated with a touch of a European bent, and the food was fresh farm to table. They went to the back and into a more private and quiet area. The minute the two were seated, a waitress with the name tag Annabelle appeared.

  “Why don’t you start us off with two glasses of white wine,” Tatum said. “Thank you, Annabelle.”

  Minutes later the two had their wine and had ordered their lunch. “How are you doing?” Tatum asked.

  Simone shrugged. “Still working through the grief.”

  Tatum nodded. “Aren’t we all.”

  “It’s somehow more difficult to get past knowing that there was absolutely no motive, that they were killed by two teenagers because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Simone said. “And then the killers went on to kill two more men, also with no motive whatsoever.” A new wave of grief swept over Simone.

  “I know, but thanks to Allie Chandler at least now they have one of the teenagers behind bars and they know who the other one is,” Tatum replied.

  Allie Chandler was a private investigator hired by their cousin Jones Colton. She was the one who had found social media posts from both of the boys. Jared Garner and Leo Styler had each written “score” on the nights of the murders.

  “Thank goodness Allie wasn’t hurt when they basically kidnapped her.” Tatum took a sip of her wine.

  Allie had gone undercover as a college student in an effort to get hard evidence that the two were responsible. She’d gotten herself invited to a party, but then the two boys had taken off with her in their car and ended up in Leo’s parents’ basement. When they’d discovered she was wired, the two teens had gone wild. Thankfully the FBI had broken in. Jared was arrested, but Leo had gotten away.

  “I can’t believe right now the only charge Jared is facing is kidnapping when we’re all certain he killed Dad and Uncle Ernest,” Simone said, her frustration evident in her tone.

  “Unfortunately, Jared’s and Leo’s parents alibied them for the time of the murder.”

  “Yeah, their very wealthy, privileged parents and we have some proof that they were probably lying. Let’s just hope the FBI can find Leo before his mommy and daddy can get him a ticket out of the country,” Simone said.

  The conversation was interrupted by the return of Annabelle with their meals. Everything that came out of the True kitchen not only had tremendous flavors but also beautiful presentations. Even the house salads that both of them had ordered looked like colorful works of art.

  “Did you get the text from Heath about the family meeting tonight?” Tatum asked as soon as Annabelle had left their table.

  “Yes, do you know what it’s about?” Simone speared a cherry tomato with her fork.

  “I don’t have a clue.”

  Simone frowned thoughtfully. Heath was their eldest cousin and had temporarily stepped into the position of president of Colton Connections after the murder had occurred. “I just can’t imagine what he would have to discuss with us. I’m assuming everything is going well at the business.”

  “I guess we’ll find out tonight,” Tatum replied.

  For the next few minutes, the two ate and talked about their work and how other family members were doing. There were six cousins all around the same age and they were a very close-knit group.

  “So, what are your plans for the summer?” Tatum asked when they were almost finished with their meals.

  “I want to find Leo Styler and prove that those two little creeps are cold-blooded killers,” Simone said fervently.

  “Oh, Simone, please leave it all up to the FBI now,” Tatum said, a troubled look on her face. “The last thing any of us would want is to lose somebody else.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to get myself into any kind of trouble,” Simone replied. “However, I do intend to talk to Agent Howard and see if I can sit in on one of their interviews with Jared.”

  “He’s not going to allow that. He seems to be a by-the-books kind of agent.”

  “His by-the-books style didn’t catch the bad guys. A private investigator did.” Simone shoved her plate aside and reached for her wineglass.

  “That’s not fair,” Tatum said softly.

  Simone released a deep sigh. “I know. I’m just sick of all the red tape and regulations. Besides, you know I’m always interested in what drives deviant behavior. I just want to learn more about Jared Garner and what drove him and his friend to commit such a terrible crime.”

  “You seem very intense whenever Agent Howard is around.” Tatum arched an eyebrow and smiled. “I thought maybe something else was going on.”

  Simone looked at her sister blankly. “Like what?”

  “Like maybe a little bit of attraction?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Simone scoffed even as she felt a rise of heat fill her cheeks. She wouldn’t want anyone to know just how hot she found FBI agent Brad Howard.

  His dark brown hair was worn short and neat and his hazel eyes appeared to change colors depending on what color of shirt he wore. He was tall with broad shoulders and an athletic build. She definitely found him more than a little bit attractive.

  “I don’t even like him very much,” she told her sister. “I feel like I’ve dated versions of him in the past. He strikes me as being very stubborn and far too confident in himself. He probably finds it difficult to listen to anyone’s advice and would never consider a woman his equal,” Simone finished.

  Tatum stared at Simone as if her head had just dropped off her shoulders and rolled across the floor. “That certainly hasn’t been my impression of Agent Howard. I think maybe you’re projecting shades of Dr. Wayne Jamison on him.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me of him.” Wayne was a history profess
or at the college. She had dated him for a little over six months and had made herself believe she was madly in love with him. But the longer they had dated, the more controlling and superior he’d become. She’d finally realized he wasn’t the man for her and so a year ago she’d broken things off with him. She hadn’t dated anyone since then.

  And the last thing she wanted from Brad Howard was any kind of a personal relationship. All she wanted was for him to alow her access to sit in on Jared Garner’s interview. She might be able to help him put away two teenage serial killers.

  * * *

  FBI agent Brad Howard was frustrated. He’d been frustrated for the past two months, ever since he’d been called to Chicago from his Washington, DC, office to investigate the potential of two serial killers in the early stages of their “careers.”

  He now sat in the small office he’d been moved to a week ago. It was little more than a closet, but the Chicago PD had needed back the space he’d originally been assigned.

  It didn’t matter to him what kind of room he worked from. All he really needed was a desk, his phone and his work computer. Finally, they’d gotten the break they’d needed to identify two potential suspects. One was in jail and the other one wasn’t, which created a lot of Brad’s frustration.

  He had spent much of his first month here assuming they were looking for a single killer. Serial killers working in duos certainly weren’t unheard of, but they were relatively rare. One of the most famous killing duos was probably cousins Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono Jr.

  Together they had kidnapped and strangled ten women and girls, earning them the name of the Hillside Strangler in the press.

  However, it was almost unheard of to have a couple of teenagers on a path of death. Jared Garner and Leo Styler were only nineteen years old. They both came from affluent backgrounds and right now Brad’s biggest enemies were their parents, who were not being cooperative in the investigation. Rather, they were overbearing and overly protective people who used their money and their power to try to intimidate.

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